"As one of the leading Jupiter Water Ionizer dealers in the USA I've come to realize the need for a web site that makes it easy to order a new filter for all of the different models of Jupiter Ionizers on the market.  I believe that this site does the trick quite well.  If you have any questions about the current line-up of water ionizers or the Biostone filters you can give us a call at (877) 356-2508 - someone on our staff will be able to fix you up right away and get you the correct filter for your ionizer.  Thanks for visiting!"

  Dean Snyder
Choosing the correct filter is as

Easy as 1, 2, 3...
Choose your Jupiter Alkaline Water Ionizer from the navigation list to the right.  If you aren't sure which machine you have, don't worry, there is a picture on each page.  You can also go to our sitemap page and pick your machine from there.  If you don't yet own a Jupiter Ionizer, click here.
Choose your Jupiter Alkaline Water Ionizer
Check the image to make sure you've chosen your correct unit.  Then, watch the installation video on that page to make sure you remember how to change your filter (since this is the first filter change for some people, we understand that you might need a little tutoring... don't worry, we won't tell).
Watch the Biostone Filter installation video
Make your selection by clicking the "Add To Cart" button.  Some ionizers will only have one filter available, so the choice is easy.  You will be taken to our order processing site (UltraWaterSolutions.com) to finish up your order.  We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, eChecks, Checks and Money Orders, and even Gold and Silver.
Choose the right Jupiter Ionizer filter for your machine

Remember, we are one of the largest Jupiter Alkaline Water Ionizer dealers in the country.  We know our products well, and we can help you pick the best unit for your particular need or water situation.  The most expensive unit is not necessarily the right ionizer for you.  You can choose from one of the links below to check out our current water ionizers for sale, or click on the "Our Water Ionizers" tab above.  Or, give us a call at (877) 356-2508... we will gladly listen to your situation and help you decide which machine is best for you and your family.